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American Catholic Press


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ACP Publications

Leaflet Missal: 2 Year Subscription
DIGITAL edition
ACP Publications

Leaflet Missal: 2 Year Subscription of DIGITAL edition
By American Catholic Press
Illustrator Virginia Broderick

With a two-year subscription to the ACP Leaflet Missal prayerbook, you get a total of twelve issues. About every two months, you will get: Advent (November-December), Christmas/Epiphany (January-February), Lent (March-April), Eastertime, Summer, and Ordinary Time (September-October). For each season of the liturgical year, each Leaflet Missal issue has corresponding art, prayers, and Scripture. This format, unique to the Leaflet Missal prayerbook, helps people pray in the spirit of the liturgical year, helps people understand the Bible thematically, and fosters deeper appreciation of the many aspects of the paschal mystery.


Publisher Comments

Well, o.k. If you want just a two-year subscription, we are happy to provide it. So, place your order now, for a two-year subscription to the ACP Leaflet Missal prayerbook digital edition.

Thank you for your interest in the ACP Leaflet Missal prayerbook.

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